Digital Scholarship Graduate Assistants Workshops

DSGF Upcoming Workshops

Check out these upcoming workshops presented by the 2021-2022 Digital Scholarship Graduate Fellows!


Make Your Own Magic Eye Designs · March 17th, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. · Park 246 · Led by Meg Hankel

Magic Eye designs are computerized 3D illusions that were popular in the 1990s. In this workshop, you will use Adobe Illustrator to produce your own throwback Magic Eye image. This workshop is open to beginners and advanced users alike. Register for this event here.


Introduction to AutoCAD · March 18th, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. · Digital Media Collaboration Lab · Led by Clare Rasmussen

This workshop is designed to teach basic 2D CAD (computer-aided design) skills in the Arts and Sciences. We will be using the software program AutoCAD developed by Autodesk. In this workshop you will learn how to draft and digitize a 2D-drawing. You will learn basic CAD commands that are applicable with all other CAD software. The workshop will begin with a basic introduction to CAD and the design process. Then individually, you will digitize a practice drawing on the media lab computers. The workshop will end when everyone has published their drawing as a PDF. No prior knowledge of CAD is required to participate. Register for this event here


Introduction to AutoCAD · March 23rd, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. · Digital Media Collaboration Lab · Led by Clare Rasmussen

This workshop is designed to teach basic 2D CAD (computer-aided design) skills in the Arts and Sciences. We will be using the software program AutoCAD developed by Autodesk. In this workshop you will learn how to draft and digitize a 2D-drawing. You will learn basic CAD commands that are applicable with all other CAD software. The workshop will begin with a basic introduction to CAD and the design process. Then individually, you will digitize a practice drawing on the media lab computers. The workshop will end when everyone has published their drawing as a PDF. No prior knowledge of CAD is required to participate.  

Participants should fill out this form with their names and email addresses at least a week prior to attending this workshop to receive institutional access to the AutoCAD program. Register for this event here.


Introduction to Visual Essay Making (Juncture) · March 31st, 4:15 – 5:15 p.m. · Digital Media Collaboration lab · Led by Meriç Özölçer

This workshop will introduce participants to the world of visual essay making, a digital format which allows the essayist to build an interactive and responsive composition where text and visual elements work together to convey your ideas. This is different than writing an essay with an appendix for figures. When you craft a visual essay, you have the chance to control the relationship between your narrative and its visual elements with precision. Additionally, your readers will be able to seamlessly transition between your words and your visual supplements; see some examples here. 

 While there are numerous ways to integrate words and images, this workshop will focus on Juncture an open-source framework developed by JSTOR Labs and Dumbarton Oaks. After going over the multitude of elements which can be integrated to a visual essay, we will examine some of these in detail. At the end of the session, each participant will ‘launch’ their basic visual essay. 

The workshop will take place at the Digital Media Lab, however, it will be more convenient for participants to use their personal laptops, if possible. Please make sure to create a GitHub account prior to the first session (which can be done here.) To register to the workshop, click here.  


Introduction to Tropy · April 28th, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. · Digital Media Collaboration Lab · Led by Meg Hankel

In this workshop, participants will learn how to use Tropy, a desktop software that helps store, organize, and manage digital research and archival materials including photographs, scans, and other documents.

It is recommended you bring your own laptop to this workshop. You may download Tropy for MacOS, Windows, or Linux prior to the workshop here. To register for this event, click here.