Digital Scholarship Faculty Fellowship

The Digital Scholarship Faculty Fellowship is a new opportunity for Bryn Mawr faculty that is designed to encourage and support in-depth participation and leadership in Digital Scholarship initiatives and programs, to incubate and facilitate cutting-edge digital and interdisciplinary research and pedagogy, and to recognize the service and contributions of faculty to the digital scholarship program.

The Digital Scholarship Faculty Fellow will receive a stipend of $2,500 as well as support for a proposed program, initiative, or digital scholarship project as needed (funded by a Digital Bryn Mawr Project grant or otherwise subject to approval by LITS). Faculty Fellows are expected to collaborate closely with the Digital Scholarship Specialist and other LITS staff on developing Digital Scholarship programming, events, and outreach ideas, and to serve as advisor for either the Digital Scholarship Summer Fellows Program, a 10-week project-based research internship for Bryn Mawr undergraduates, or a proposed academic year program or initiative that will help cultivate digital competencies for research or foster critical engagement with technology.

This opportunity is available to all tenured, tenure-track, and continuing non-tenure-track faculty.  Applications for the Summer term will take place in October; applications for the Academic Year term will take place in March.



As part of the fellowship term, faculty fellows will be expected to:

  • Collaborate with the Digital Scholarship Specialist and other LITS staff on developing Digital Scholarship programming, events, and outreach ideas
  • Serve on review committee for Digital Scholarship Faculty Fellowship applications
  • Submit a report on activities at the completion of the program
  • Serve as an advisor for either (Option I) the Digital Scholarship Summer Fellows program or (Option II) academic year programs and initiatives (see below)
Option I: Digital Scholarship Summer Fellows Program (Summer)
  • Spring semester: propose and develop, in collaboration with LITS staff, a research project for the Digital Scholarship Summer Fellows Program that
    • Engages students directly in digital research methodologies as key collaborators
    • Includes a public-facing component that can be developed during a 10-week intensive internship
  • June & July: work with LITS staff to mentor the students during the summer
    • Contribute domain expertise and content guidance for the program as needed
    • Meet regularly with students and other project team members to advise and provide feedback as project work is underway
  • Fall semester: help facilitate and promote an academic-year event for the DSSFs to present on their work
Option II: Academic Year Programming (Academic Year)
  • Meet regularly with Digital Scholarship Specialist to consult on program initiatives and help facilitate communication between LITS and other faculty
  • Promote campus-wide engagement with digital research methods and critical perspectives on technology by doing one or more of the following:
    • Help LITS plan and organize an event or short-term initiative related to Digital Scholarship or Teaching, Learning, and Research Innovation
    • Lead a community of practice focused on questions and methods related to digital scholarship
  • Create or promote opportunities for students to build digital competencies by doing one or more of the following
    • Develop curricular modules or assignments to help students build digital skills for research, to be integrated into a current or future course
    • Meet with students interested in Digital Scholarship and/or participate in student-facing Digital Scholarship events and workshops.
  • Present to the College community on a digital scholarship research project or related research that includes interdisciplinary digital methods


  • Title of Digital Scholarship Faculty Fellow
  • Stipend of $2,500
  • Support for Digital Scholarship research, programming, or professional development activities carried out as part of the fellowship*

*For programs or projects requiring substantial funding, applicants may also be asked to submit a proposal for a Digital Bryn Mawr Project Grant.

Application Instructions


  • This opportunity is open to all tenured, tenure-track, and continuing non-tenure-track faculty
  • Eligible faculty will be on campus during the term of the position (summer or academic year)
  • Priority will be given to applicants who have not previously held the position, though past fellows are welcome to reapply with a new project


Applicants are requested to fill out the application questionnaire and submit a copy of their CV along with a statement of purpose (250-500 words).

  1. Name, department, title
  2. Which term are you applying for (summer or academic year)
  3. Will you be on campus for the majority of the term?
Statement of purpose

Describe the work you propose to carry out as a Digital Scholarship Faculty Fellow, including

  • (If you are applying for the summer program term) Describe the digital scholarship project you hope to carry out with the Digital Scholarship Summer Fellows.
  • (If you are applying for the academic year term) describe the program or initiative to facilitate digital learning and research (examples: a community of learning, a workshop series or speaker series, etc)
  • How would these activities benefit your research and/or teaching?
  • How would these activities benefit the Bryn Mawr College community?

Questions? Please reach out to Alice McGrath, Senior Digital Scholarship Specialist